Guide for Authors PDF Version
Information World (IW), which is a media organ of “University and Research Librarians Association (URLA)”, is an international scientific journal with referees, published twice in a year (June and December).
The Objective and Extent of the Journal
Information World has defined contributing the librarianship and informatics, analysing the problems and offering solutions to these problems as the primary goal. In line with this purpose, Information World offers concrete solutions for the problems in theoretical and applied fields of the universities and research libraries, public libraries, school libraries, private libraries, documentation and information centers, research centers, archives, museums and other memory institutions in our country. It serves to share the developments and innovations, offer solutions to the problems and announce the results of the scientific studies of faculty members, information experts, undergraduate and graduate students and to disseminate academic studies that contribute to the professional development of practitioners and academics.
Indexing and Abstracting
Information World is indexed on the databases below.
Prior to Submitting Articles / Works to the Journal – Checklist
Before the article is sent to Information World by the authors, it should be checked whether the article complies with the journal writing rules by using the Article / Work Checklist.
In the article you will send to Information World, make sure that you do the following:
Submitting Articles / Works to the Journal
Authors who will submit a work to be evaluated to Information World must subscibe to the Journal Management System at
The authors must register to the Journal Management System and submit their work at the address
Preparation of the Article and Required Documents During the Submission of Articles / Works to the Journal
Click here to download the article template
Article / Work submission to the journal is done completely online. The authors are guided step by step during the application process and the uploading of the work to the Journal Management System. The following documents are requested from the authors for the article submission to Information World.
Articles / Works to be submitted to the journal, should only be uploaded to the account opened in the "Journal Management System" at Articles sent to the Chief Editor, Editorial Board Members or to the Journal Contact e-mail address are not accepted as official applications.
Works to be sent to Information World should be prepared according to the following features:
Page Layout: A4 Portrait, Margins (Normal) (2.5 cm from all sides)
Page Length: Works to be included in the “Refereed Articles” section should not exceed 25 pages. Works to be sent for opinions and promotion sections should not exceed 12 pages.
Font Family: Arial, Main Titles (first level heading) 12pt bold, subtitles (second level heading) 11pt bold, third level heading 11pt italic and bold, Text and Bibliography 11 pt size justiified, in all main and subtitles before and after the headings, 12nk, after the first paragraph, other paragraphs should be indented.
Each study should consist of the following main headings respectively:
The title of the study should clearly reflect its content and be inclusive. Except for the conjunctions, the initial letter of every word should be written in capital. Arial, 14pt, bold and right justified
English Title
In line with the title of the work, an English title should be prepared so that it clearly represents the content of the work and is inclusive. Except for the conjunctions, the initial letter of every word should be capitalized. Arial, 13pt, bold and right justified.
The writing of abstract in Information World is expected to be in IMRAD structure as in the writing of the main text. In this context, it should clearly and briefly reflect the purpose, scope, method (research design, data collection and data analysis methods), results, prominent aspects and original value of the work. The abstract should be prepared separately in Turkish and Enghlish both of which should be maximum 250 words.
If the study has been sent from abroad and abstract and/or keywords cannot be prepared by the author, Turkish Abstract and Keywords can be added to the article by the Editorial Board.
Turkish Keywords
A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 keywords that reflect the integrity of the study should be determined. Keywords should be separated by the commas. The first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized and other keywords should be written in lowercase unless they are proper names.
English Keywords
Linked to the keywords section of the study, the same number of English keywords should be given using commas between them. The initial letter of the first keyword should be capital, and other keywords should be written in lowercase unless they are proper names.
Research articles and case reports (case studies) sent to the referee section should be prepared in accordance with the IMRAD structure.
In the introduction part, the basis of the research subject, summary information about the parts of the study, its equivalent in the scientific literature, the importance of the research, its aims and the research problem / questions / hypotheses should be detailed. This section can be collected under a single heading or can be detailed. This section can be collected under a single heading or can be detailed with different titles. Bold or underlined expressions should not be used in the text.
The purpose and problem / questions / hypotheses of the research should be presented as a subtitle in the “Introduction” section (See. Article Preparation Template)
The type / pattern of the work, population and sample / work group selection, data collection and data analysis techniques, processes, statistical tools and methods used, limitations, ethics committee approval where needed, should be presented in detail in the method section. In order to increase the readability and comprehensibility of this section of the work; under the main heading of method (the general title where the research pattern is written with reference), it should be presented under the subtitles of population and sample and / or work group, data collection and data analysis (See. Article Preparation Template)
Results of the research should be explained with relevant tables, figures, graphics or pictures in a way that supports the aim and problem of the study and maintains its integrity.
The tables, figures, graphics or pictures used must be referred in the text. Results presented as graphics or figures should be given in high quality (at least 300 DPI resolution) in terms of publication quality and legibility. A direct use of SPSS outputs should be avoided in presenting the results given as tables, and the tables should be presented in the format in accordance with APA 7 standards. All tables, graphics, figures and pictures used in the study should be titled according to APA 7 standards.
Results section can be given with subtitles in order to increase the readability and comprehensibility of the study.
In the light of the importance of the research, the results should be discussed with the literature and author’s comments.
In the conclusion part, the main ideas that emerged in the light of the discussions should be explained.
Suggestions should be made in accordance with the discussion and result of the study. It should also include suggestions for future studies and practices in the field that will contribute to the literature.
* Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions can be collected under a single title or given separately by the authors.
At the stage of revealing the research, thanks should be expressed to the persons or institutions who contributed to the study but did not meet the authorship criteria. All individuals whose names are mentioned in the Acknowledgment section should be approved.
Conflict of Interest**
Authors should report the conflicts of interest (if any) regarding their article. If there is a direct or indirect commercial connection (such as employment, direct payments, ownership of shares, company consultancy, patent license arrangements or service fee) or the institution that provides financial support for the study, the authors, the commercial product used, the company etc. in the “Copyright Transfer Form and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form” and also in the article before the “References” and right after the “Acknowledgment” text, under the heading of “Conflict of Interest”. If there is no conflict of interest, the statement “Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest” should be written in this section.
Financial Support**
Under this heading, the names of the funds or organizations supporting the study, if any, should be written. In the works with the support of the The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK) or the Scientific Research Projects (SRP/BAP), the support type certainly must be specified.
Authorship Contribution**
In this section, for articles with a single author, the statement of the author who prepared the article alone; and for the articles with multiple authors, the contributions of the authors to the research (planning of the research, experimental applications, data collection and statistical analysis, writing of the article) should be included in the articles. The information of authorship contribution should be written before the “References“ section.
Ethics Committee Decisions and Permits**
For all the studies which require an Ethics Committee Decision, separate Ethics Committee Approvals for each should be obtained and the information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also before the “Bibliography” after the “Authorship Contribution”. In case reports, the information that the “informed consent form” has been signed, must be included in the article. In addition, permissions must be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, to whom questionnaires and photographs belong.
Example 1: Ethics Committee Approval, Numbered B89TK16 was obtained by University X Ethics Committee on July, 1st, 2020
Example 2: For the use of the Scale X, from the author(s) (with their name/s), permission was obtained through e-mail (etc.)
The bibliography should be prepared in line with the principles of APA 7 citation (See. In-text citations and references should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. The procedures and principles of referencing in Turkish for the full text in Turkish, and the procedures and principles of referencing in English for the full text in English should be taken into consideration.
Font family should be given as Arial and indentation of 4nk. Intenting should be given under the 4th letter.
Appendices **
Additional tables, figures, graphics and pictures should be given in a new page after the bibliography. Each appendix should be classified as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and each appendix should be titled separately. If there is an element used in addition, in-text directions for this element should be given.
** In case of Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, Financial Support, Authorship Contribution, Ethics Committee Decrees and Permits and Additional Information, these titles should be given as a main heading like Introduction, Method, etc.
Table and Figures
Table and figure title and textual features should be given by taking APA 7 rules into account.
Before and after Tables and Figures, 6 nk space is given.
Table titles and text are given in 11 pt.
The Table and its Number are indicated in bold (eg Table 1), and the Table Header is indicated in italics, double lines below the table number. E.g:
Table 1
Table Header
If the figure is a graphic and in an editable format, the title and internal texts are given in 11 pt.
Figure and Number are indicated in bold (eg Figure 1), Figure Title is indicated double line below the figure number and in italics. Ex.
Figure 1
Figure Header
If there are any table and Figure explanation notes, the explanation notes should be given under the table and Figure in the form "Explanatory note" The text is given in 11 pt and italics.
The bibliography and copyright notice for Tables and / or Figures transferred or adapted from other sources should be indicated in the Table and / or Figure legend.
If the figures contain an image or an image that cannot be edited, they should be transferred in Word at 300 DPI resolution and the original figure should be uploaded with the “Upload An Additional File” option in the 4th step of the Article Submission steps.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Sage Publications.
Note: In APA 7, there is no "publication place" information in the book tags.
Citation: (Creswell, 2014, p. 126)
Creswell (2014, p. 126)
In-Book Chapter
Baysen, E., Hošková-Mayerová, Š., Çakmak, N., & Baysen, F. (2017). Misconceptions regarding providing citations: To neglect means to take risk for future scientific research. In Š. Hošková-Mayerová, F. Maturo, & J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), Studies in systems, decision and control series: mathematical-statistical models and qualitative theories for economic and social sciences (Vol. 104, pp. 177-186). Springer.
Citation: (Baysen et al., 2017, p. 207)
Baysen et al. (2017, p. 207)
Note: In APA 7, there is no “publication place” information in the in-book section. Volume, printing information and page range information are written in parantheses.
Translated Books
Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2012). Sosyal psikoloji (O. Gündüz, Trans.). Social Psychology. (Original work published 2010)
Citation: (Aronson et al., 2010/2012, p. 12)
Aronson et al. (2010/2012, p. 12)
Journal Article with a DOI
Zencir, M. B., & Oğuz, T. (2020). Ankara Üniversitesi araştırmacılarının araştırma verilerinin yönetimine yönelik tutumları ve veri paylaşımı önündeki engeller. Bilgi Dünyası, 21(1), 89-123.
Citation: (Zencir & Oğuz, 2020, pp. 92-98)
Zencir and Oğuz (2020, pp. 92-98)
Electronic Journal Article
Erişti, S. D., & Belet, Ş. D. (2010). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin yazılı anlatım ve resimlerinde kültür algıları. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(33), 245‐264.
Citation: (Erişti & Belet, 2010, p. 248)
Erişti and Belet (2010, p. 248)
Note: In APA 7, there is no obligation to write "accessed from / retrieved from" before the URL.
Dissertations and Theses
Çakmak, N. (2016). Lisans öğrencilerinin bilgi arama süreçleri ile ilgili kavramları, tutumları ve düşünceleri [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ankara Üniversitesi.
Citation: (Çakmak, 2016, p. 365)
Çakmak (2016, p. 365)
Note: In APA 7, the city name of the university where the thesis was prepared is not written.
Conference Session
Dalal, H. A., Kimura, A. K., & Hoffmann, M. A. (2015, March 25-28). Searching in the wild: Observing information-seeking behavior in a discovery tool [Conference Session]. Proceedings of the ACRL, Portland.
Citation: (Dalal et al., 2015)
Dalal et al. (2015)
Paper Presentation (Unpublished)
Şenyurt, Ö. (2017, September 18-21). Information literacy in Turkish education system [Doctoral Forum]. The Fifth European Conference on Information Literacy, September, Saint-Malo, France.
Citation: (Şenyurt, 2017)
Şenyurt (2017)
Web Page
World Health Organization. (2020, August 18). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 – August 18th 2020.
Citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020)
World Health Organization (WHO, 2020)
You can find detailed information about other resource types on the APA 7 official site:
Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration
Sudies sent to Information World for publication must be original works that have not been published previously in any way or sent to be published elsewhere.
Authors agree to waive the copyright of their work and must transfer the copyright of their work to the University and Research Librarians Association by submitting the article / work for evaluation. Information World Editorial Board is authorized to publish the article. However, the following rights of the authors are reserved.
Authors who will send a work to Information World should fill in the “Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form” document. The authors must sign the filled form with a wet signature. The signed form must be scanned and uploaded with the option of uploading an additional file in the 4th step of the work submission steps on the system. The works of the authors who do not submit the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form are not published.
All articles published in Information World are licensed under “ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License”. This license; gives all of the users the right to reproduce, share and disseminate in data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs and all other platforms provided that all published articles, data sets, graphics and annexes are cited. Open access is an approach that facilitates interdisciplinary communication and encourages different disciplines to work with each other. In this direction, Information World provides added value to its field by offering more access to its articles and a more transparent evaluation process.
Process of Double Blind Refereeing and Evaluation
Double-Blind Refereeing is a method applied for publishing scientific publications with the highest quality. This method forms the basis of the objective evaluation process of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. Referee opinions have a decisive role in the publication quality of Information World. All studies sent to Information World are evaluated through double-blind Refereeing according to the following stages.
Double-Blind Refereeing Method
Information World uses Double-Blind Referee Method in the evaluation process of all works and studies. In the double-blind method, the identities of the authors and referees of the studies are hidden.
Initial Evaluation Process
The works sent to Information World are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, are weak in terms of language and expression rules in Turkish and English, contain scientific critical errors, have no original value, cannot pass plagiarism control, do not have ethics committee permissions and do not meet the publication policies are rejected. Authors of rejected studies are informed within maximum two weeks from the date of submission. Studies found appropriate are forwarded to the Editorial Board for preliminary evaluation.
Plagiarism Control
In accordance with the publication ethics of Information World, the articles submitted to the journal are subjected to “Plagiarism Control” (the first evaluation process) before preceeding with the pre-evaluation and Refereeing processes.
If significant structural changes and additions have been made in the study during the refereeing process, in case deemed necessary, the full text of the study is again checked for plagiarism by the Editorial Board.
Plagiarism Control is performed via Turnitin and iThenticate Softwares. By examining the matches of each study through the software in detail, the matches with the correct reference and citation are extracted. The remaining matches as a result of extraction are examined, errors are detected and reported to the editor. The Editorial Board makes its final decision on the study in the light of the Plagiarism Audit Report of each work. The authors may be asked to correct the errors in the report or the study can be returned to the authors.
Ethics Committee Approval Statement and Permissions
In accordance with the publication ethics of Information World, before the preliminary evaluation and refereeing process of the studies submitted to the journal, in “the first evaluation process”, the author(s) are requested to state and certificate the works which requires Ethics Committee Permit.
TR Index Journal Evaluation criteria have been updated since 2020. (See Within the framework of these new criteria, “Documents and information requested for studies requiring the approval of the ethic committee” are not expected to be applied for the studies that have been submitted in previous years, the evaluation process of which has been completed but not yet published, and in which the research data before 2020 were used although the evaluation process is still ongoing. The articles process of which start in 2020 and research data of which belong to the year 2020 will be mandatory. It is explained which articles are required for the Ethics Committee Permission Certificate below, and articles that are not uploaded to the Journal Management System during the process of article submission and / or that do not provide information about the Ethics Committee Permission in the article will not be evaluated.
The Researches requiring the Permission of the Ethics Committee
In case of reports other than those listed above, it must be stated that “informed consent form” was obtained along with any permission from the others for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to them and that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Pre-Evaluation Process
During the preliminary evaluation process, the Editorial Board examines in detail the introduction and literature, method, findings, results, evaluation and discussion sections of the journal in terms of publication policies & scope and originality. Studies deemed unsuitable as a result of this review are returned within maximum 4 weeks with the editorial comments and the Editorial Board evaluation report. Studies found appropriate are taken into the refereeing process.
Refereeing Process
Studies are refereed according to their content and expertise of the referees. The editorial board member who examines the study suggests at least two referees from Information World referee pool, according to their field of expertise, or may suggest new referees suitable for the field of study. The referee suggestions from the responsible editorial board member are evaluated by the editor and the studies are forwarded to the referees. The referees are obliged to guarantee that they will not share any process and document about the studies they evaluate, with third party persons or organizations.
Referee Reports
Referee evaluations are generally based on openness, originality, method used, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of findings and results, and examination of the literature. This review is based on the following factors:
Referee Evaluation Process
The time given to referees for the referee evaluation process is 6 weeks. Correction suggestions from referees or editors must be completed within 1 month in line with the suggestions of the authors. Referees can review the revisions of a work and decide whether it is appropriate or, if necessary, request corrections more than once.
Evaluation Result
Opinions from referees are reviewed by the Editorial Board within maximum 2 weeks. As a result of this review, the Editorial Board conveys its opinion about the work to the editor according to the referee evaluations.
Editorial Board Decision
The Editor prepares the opinions of the Editorial Board regarding the study based on the opinions of the the Editorial Board and the referees. The opinions prepared are forwarded to the authors by the Editor, along with the editorial board opinions and referee suggestions, within maximum 1 week. In this process, the studies that are given negative opinions about are rejected.
How Long Does the Evaluation Process Take?
It is foreseen that the publication evaluation process of works sent to Information World will be finalized within approximately 6 months. However, the period between the date when the referees or editors request a correction from the authors and the date when the authors complete the corrections are not included in this 6-month period.
Correction Instruction and Installation Guide
One or more corrections and improvements may be requested by the Editorial Board and / or referees for the studies in the evaluation process in Information World.
The authors are obliged to complete the corrections and improvements in a complete, explanatory and timely manner with the awareness that the requested correction and improvement suggestions are objective and increase the originality of the study.
The revised versions of the manuscripts by the authors requested to be revised by the Editorial Board or Referees should be uploaded to the Journal Management System in the following two files.
Article / Work Withdrawal
The Journal Information World attaches importance to holistic and complete publishing. It is aware that ensuring this is to publish reliable original research articles in accordance with publication ethics. In cases involving errors and legal rights and violations (false authorship claims, plagiarism, fraudulent data use, etc.), the duties and responsibilities of the author (s) and the editorial board during the withdrawal of a study or article in accordance with the editorial policies are given below:
Authors have an obligation to cooperate with the editor of the journal in the withdrawal process if they notice a mistake about their published work at the early stage or evaluation process.
Authors who want to retract their work at the evaluation stage are obliged to fill in the "Article / Study Withdrawal Form" and submit the scanned version, signed with the original signature of each author, to the Editorial Board via e-mail at [email protected]. The Editorial Board reviews the withdrawal notification and returns within maximum one week. Authors cannot send their work to another journal for evaluation unless the withdrawal request of the articles / works copyrights of which have been transferred to Information World is approved by the Editorial Board.
If the author (s) want to retract their work for arbitrary reasons without justifying a justification, it will be regarded as disrespect to labor as it causes a waste of time in processing by editors, reviewers, editorial board members and referees. It will be informed that the author (s) who made this deliberate request cannot submit a study to our journal for 2 years.
Information World Editorial Board; if there is a suspicion of copyright and plagiarism regarding a published, early view or under evaluation work, it is obliged to initiate an inquiry regarding the work.
If the Editorial Board determines that there is copyright and plagiarism in the work at the evaluation stage, it withdraws the work from the evaluation and returns the detected situations to the authors with detailed references.
In case the Editorial Board detects a copyright infringement and plagiarism in a published or early-view work, it shall perform the following process below and notifications within maximum one week.
The study found to have a violation of ethics;
In addition, the Editorial Board may suggest that authors who violate ethics should ensure the validity and reliability of the published work or withdraw it to publishing houses or editorial boards.
Objection to the Evaluation Result
The authors reserve the right to object to the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board opinions submitted to the authors as a result of the evaluation in Information World. Authors should send their objection justifications regarding their opinions and comments to [email protected] address in a scientific language and by referring to their basis. The objections made are examined by the Editorial Board within one month at the latest (opinion can be requested about the objections made to the editorial board member responsible for the study, editor and referees), and a positive or negative response is provided to the authors. In case the objections of the authors to the evaluation result are positive, the Editorial Board starts the evaluation process again by making a new review in accordance with the subject field of the study.
Since Information World does not charge an article processing fee (evaluation fee or printing fee) and subscription fee for accessing the articles, there is no source of income.
Studies accepted as a result of the evaluation in Information World respectively goes through the processes of checking for plagiarism, organizing bibliography, citation, layout and typesetting, giving the DOI number and opening it for early viewing. Studies published in early view are published in volumes and numbers approved by the Editorial Board.
Bibliography, Reference and Citation Control
Scientific research is developed on previous studies. In the studies conducted, references are made to the previous studies within the framework of certain rules. Mistakes made in scientific studies, either knowingly or unintentionally, damage the reliability of the study and publication.
Information World considers that it is a necessity to provide correct and complete references and citations of the studies accepted as a result of the evaluation within the scope of publication ethics. In this context, after each work is accepted, it is checked for bibliography, reference and citation by the Editorial Board.
The bibliography, citation and reference check of the accepted works are done for the full text in the following steps:
The procedures and principles of citing Turkish for Turkish full text and English for English full text are taken into consideration.
Layout and Typesetting Operations
Information World requires a uniform and complete page layout and a printing style as required by the formal integrity, readability and standards of the articles. In this context, the page layout and typesetting of the works whose plagiarism control and bibliography editing are completed are carried out by a company approved by the Editorial Board.
Giving the DOI Number
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number that allows the identification and access of every work published electronically. It is mandatory to provide a DOI number for each study published in Information World or in early view.
DOI number is given to the works whose bibliography control and print version is prepared after the acceptance phase.
Early View
Information World cares about the dissemination of current and original information. In this context, studies that are accepted by completing the evaluation phase and whose processes are completed after the acceptance are published electronically in early-view. Studies published in early-view are published in volumes and number of pages approved by the Editorial Board and are removed from early-view. Early-Viewed works may not be the last version to be published in the normal issue. Minor arrangements can be made if the studies are to be published.
Language Arrangement
Studies sent to Information World should have a plain and clear language quality in accordance with the grammar rules of the full text language (Turkish and English) and scientific literature. Studies should be written in a clean and fluent language free from foreign words. In this context, the works which were redacted prior to sending for evaluation ensures that the publication processes are maintained in a healthier way.
The Editorial Board may request language editing services during the evaluation process of the submitted works or after the acceptance phase. The authors of the study for which language editing service is requested can be obtained from one of the companies recommended below. Authors with this request must submit the document regarding the redaction they have made to the Editorial Board.
Abstracting and Indexing
Studies in the journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
University and Research Librarians Association (URLA)
ISSN: 2148-354X