Concepts of Professional and Professionalism, Concerning Our Social Lives and the Turkish Scientific World


  • İsmail Halûk Gökçora Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Ana BD



Professionalism, Conflict, Professional organizations


Professional respect stands out as one of the forerunners of social ethical behaviour. Insufficient respect and lack of interest for professionalism, the mistrust of professionals directed to one another, their superficial knowledge about other professionals cause social deprivation resulting in important loss of time and material values. Problems and conflict arise when unethical attitude and behavior towards others, upon their ideas and even further, their overconcern and intervention involving the others’ profession come into play. Being a professional in a specific business necessitates grasping every single detail of the job along with its proper application. The more accepted and complicated the job is, the more important the professionalism would become, requiring social satisfaction as well. Professionalism is a way of thought and behavior which requires adaptation by all who have a place and work in that society. Both timemanagement, and correct/responsible conduct of professional work need to be perfect, and in line with the laws, provided that it is in the best interest of the professional’s customer (patient).

Human honour and equality, principles of justice, professional ethics versus marketing conditions of wild capitalism along with the manipulated material assessments cause conflicts. Clashes between the strict scientific hierarchy and the humanitarian relations (which utilizes a much softer approach) occurs in a similar manner. Professionalism provides the gradual emergence of increasing support among members of different professional organizations, and enables a higher quality of work concept regarding individual career standards. Escape from unhealthy conditions can only be materalized through wise professional initiatives concerning the social unrest in Turkey, where indivialism is brought into pivotal importance, and where the public is manipulated by the biased-media corporations. Turkey’s awakening can only materialize with the enlightenment of the rather than their being deceived, as is practiced at the present. Turkey will attain a bright future once a selective decision in this respect will be made and fully performed.


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How to Cite

Gökçora, İsmail H. (2005). Concepts of Professional and Professionalism, Concerning Our Social Lives and the Turkish Scientific World. Information World, 6(2), 237-250.



Opinion Papers