Reading Habit in the Education Policy of Turkey


  • Sibel Karaaslan Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü



Education policy, reading habit, reading culture


Reading habits can be measured to the number of books in a year as reader type determined by The American Library Association (ALA ). However, about the reading habits, two important concepts emerged in the literature in recent years as “reading culture” and “critical reading”. These concepts are related to methods and techniques such as the quality of the reading, assessment of knowledge, the development of reasoning ability and reading habits as a way of life.

In this paper, in the terms of redounding reading habits to the students in Turkey; laws, regulations, circulars, the development plans and education councils were examined how the implementation of educational policies and aimed to evaluate the applications. Various studies that measured the reading habits of both students and teachers; PISA 2012 results about critical reading habits of students; reading culture of adults and teachers present that reading habit in the country is low compared to developed countries. Education policy is assessed need to be done in order to redound reading habits for students and individuals in the terms of reading culture and a critical reading.


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How to Cite

Karaaslan, S. (2016). Reading Habit in the Education Policy of Turkey. Information World, 17(1), 104-119.



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