Measurement of Web Usability: Web Site of Aydın Adnan Menderes University Library


  • Halise Şerefoğlu Henkoğlu Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Söke Faculty of Management, Department of Management Information Systems,
  • Denizhan Demirkol Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Söke Faculty of Management, Department of Management Information Systems



Usability, web site usability, library web site usability, information access, information seeking


This study is a descriptive one that aims to measure and evaluate the web site usability of Aydın Adnan Menderes University Library. The participants of the study consist of 14 undergraduate students that are selected by convenience sampling method, studying at Aydın Adnan Menderes University and volunteer to participate in the study. For the purposes of this study, which combining qualitative and quantitative approaches together, data were collected through usability testing, questionnaire, observation and think aloud process. During the usability testing, participants were asked to perform typical/key tasks/questions which were representing the intended use of the library web site and related the current services and information provided on the site. As the participants performing the tasks / answering questions during usability test, the researcher observed and recorded what they were doing, what they were saying about the site as they were thinking aloud, percentage of tasks they correctly completed, how much time they spent and how many steps they used to perform the tasks. Upon completion of usability testing, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire to express their satisfaction with the library web site. The findings of the study show that the most difficult tasks for the participants were accessing information through different sources like library catalog, databases and etc. One of the main reasons for this problem was that participants had difficulty in using search engine section of the website. In addition, since they were unfamiliar with jargon used on the web site like catalog, database, open access, e-journal and etc., they could not access information they needed as effectively as desired. Based on the research findings; it is possible to make some suggestions to improve the usability of the web site including providing information and services based on information seeking behaviors and information needs of the users/patrons, reducing jargon and replacing it with simpler words if possible, making the most needed information finding tools like catalog search and database search more noticeable on the main page, and preparing a training for users in how to use the library web site.


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How to Cite

Şerefoğlu Henkoğlu, H., & Demirkol, D. (2018). Measurement of Web Usability: Web Site of Aydın Adnan Menderes University Library. Information World, 19(2), 113-143.



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